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Umrah 2019

Assalamualaikum wr wb.

       I wanted to share my Umrah experience from my visit to Makkah-Medina in January 2019. 
I went to Saudi Arabia with my family, my father, my mom, my big brother and my big sister. 
Alhamdulillah, Allah calls my family to go to the Holy Land of Makkah, visiting ka'bah, and performing Umrah. We left Indonesia at 1st January 2019, we used Lion Air airlines for flight to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. FYI, this is my first time on a plane. After 10 hours of flight, we finally arrive at King Abdul Aziz International Airport,Jeddah. 

        This is my first time to Arab, our first stop was in Medina. The Prophet's Mosque : Nabawi looks very beautiful. I cried at the first time I saw the mosque. I felt like I'm the most luckiest person in the world that can visit our Prophet Muhammad's mosque. 
Terrace of Nabawi

The Magnificent Architecture of Nabawi Mosque

      After visiting Medina for 3 days, we went to Makkah al-Mukarromah and performing Umrah at Masjidil Haram. These are the rituals of Umrah, wear Ihram clothes (wear two garments of unsown white cloth for men) from the Miqat (stated places where you say your intention to perform Umrah), Perform tawaf (circling the Ka’bah, inside Masjidil Haram, 7 times), perform Sa‘y (walking from Safa – Marwah 7 times) and then shaving or shortening your hair.
Miqat at Bir Ali Mosque
      I've always seen a lot of Ka'bah on my prayer mat, and now I can see it with my own eye, the center of muslim's prayer around the world. Again, I felt like I'm the most luckiest person in the world. It's like a dreams come true. My tears just fall down everytime I see it, because I remember all my sins, and I ask Allah for forgiveness.
The Door of Holy Ka'bah
The Holy Ka'bah
    After performing Umrah, we went to City Tour, to 
see places mentioned in Al-Quran, such as Jabal Uhud and many more.

Jabal Rahmah
Jabal Uhud
My lovely family

      I'm so grateful that I have a chance to visit holy land, Madinah Al Munawaroh and Makkah al Mukaromah. I hope I can come back to Makkah and Medina as soon as possible, with my family and my future life partner. Aamiin.


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