ROUND 1 "TH should supports the death penalty for corruptors." *Opening Government Elviana : Corruptors stole the country moneys, so the corruptors should have the death penalty, because if the penalty just a prison, they've opportunity to do it again. *Opening Opposition Dio : I disagree the death penalty for the corruptors, because they have human right too and they have human life right. *Opening Government Moza : If we look at the corruptors human right. We must look to the people that they have human right too. It's not fair. *Opening Opposition Leandiz : I disagree, because I think they still have second chance to be a better person. *Closing Government Rifkhi and Akmal : They deserve the death penalty because even if they get to prison they still have chance to corrupt again. *Closing Opposition : Zidan and Dhafin : We diagree about that penalty because if the government got death penalty we will have a little human resources. *WINNER* Opening Governmen...